Thursday, November 27, 2008

Astronauts fix their wee cleaner

About the astronauts on the International Space Station again.
The astronauts figured that their wee cleaner was damaged. The wee cleaners job was to turn wees into drinking water.
The waters will now have to be fixed by scientists

Soldiers battle gunmen in Mumbai

The soldiers in Indian city, Mumbai, are fighting some gunmen, who are believed to be holding some hostages in two luxury hotels.
The soldiers surrounded the buildings shortly after the gunmen opened fire at seven locations across the city on Wednesday.
So far, the reports say that 101 people have been killed and almost 300 people injured.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Astronauts on toughest spacewalk

It took astronauts on the International Space Station to fix a joint that's supposed to keep the ISS's solar panels pointed towards the sun. The joint hasn't worked properly for more than a year because it's been jammed with metal grit.
The joint is fixed now but it took longer than they suspected because one of the astronauts lost their toolkit.

Man sets up home in airport

A Japanese man made himself a house in an airport in Mexico. The man is called Hiroshi Nohara flew in from Tokyo three months ago andhe stayed at the terminal. He lives off free food and drinks given to him by the airport restaurants and passengers and at night, he sleeps in a chair. In the morning, he sits around chatting and signing autographs for tourists and says he doesn't know when he is going to leave the terminal.

Poem thing

Little Things by Julia Carney
Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant land.

Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our world an Eden
Like the Heaven above.

The form of the poem I chose is short and has only two paragraph. The poem is short but it can describe a lot of people by just using the two paragraphs. I think it represents me by 'Little drops of water, Little grains of sand' because like the drops of water is like the blood and the grains of sand is like the flesh, the bones that makes me up. The waters and the sands can be a lot of different things, like the water can be the personality and the sand be the identity that makes me up.
When I read 'Little Things' by Julia Carney, I get this images like little things gathering and clustering together and making a gigantic thing that is mighty strong. Like that can be referring to human-being.
The speaker of the poem is being ambiguous but I get it that nobody can be confused by the things written down by Julia Carney. I just wrote ambiguous because the topic can be referred to a lot of things, including you.
How this poem sounds to me is like little things being made into a huge, tough things.
Perhaps it is a matter of stupidity, or perhaps just a failure to understand context. I get this poem like many little things can be made into a big thing. So like anything useless might be something very useful when its in large number, for example, a drop of water with useless, but when the whole planet is circled with big puddles of water then it might be rather useful to travel across.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

How were ancient Rome and Greece different?

Greeks and Romans were different nations and spoke completely different languages. Although these two civilizations look alike in religion, education, dressing and so on, but there are also many differences in the ways of thinking. The romans considered impressive as something ideal, while Greeks appreciated something simple and essential.
This can be observed for example in architecture and literature. It was easy for the Romans to accept their emperors as Gods, but in Greece, Alexander the Great was the single monarch who tried to impose this idea and he was found dead soon after that. The Greek ideals are based on the concept of a man's freedom and this is why they lacked a central government and they were divided in smaller city-states and kingdoms. On the other hand, the Roman empire was united and the Romans were seen as subjects and servants of Rome.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The FAT questions

My 5 big FAT questions I want to answer during this expeditions are listed below:
How were ancient Greece and Rome different?
Why did Athenians decide to be democracy?
Why did the Spartans decide to train their military forces rather than education?
Were Greece and Rome similar in many ways? Did they speak the same language etc.
Why were the Spartan women trained when Athenian women didn't?

Mission to find life on Mars ends

The mission on Mars to find life has been ended. The spacecraft had landed on the planet's northern plains in May.
It had been digging below the surface for signs of life and had been sending pictures back to Earth.
US space agency said that it hadn't heard from the craft since Nov. 2, but would keep trying.

Second school collapses in Haiti

Part of a school collapsed on the Caribbean island of Haiti, day after another school there fell down. At least nice people were injured, but luckily most of the students had been outside when the school gave away. The man responsible for public safety in Haiti said that the ways noth schools had been constructed was against the rules of safety

Effective communicator

An effective communicator is someone who can communicate effectively. Someone who can talk clearly like the voice has a large range and can be heard at the end of the room. Also effective communicator can be someone who can make people easily understand them (using words).

Examples of a time me being an effective communicator: All thorough out the 7th grade Humanities project, when Mr. Burghauser was still here. My voice had been heard at the back of the room (most of the time) and people understood the meaning of my words.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Barack Obama makes big US speech

The Site
Barack Obama doesn't become the president until 20 January 2009, so until then he is working out what he wants to do when he gets to be the president. He is making his first speech after winning the American presidential election.
He said that he wanted to create jobs and help families but he admitted that it is not going to be easy and is going to take a long time.

Fear of disease in troubled Congo

The Site
An outbreak of cholera, a kind of disease that comes into your body from drinking dirty water spreaded through the refugee camps.
All this people got infected because of the fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

What do governments do?

A good government govern the people, collect the taxes at reasonable amount and etc. A bad government steals from the people, maybe murdering etc. But what a government do, whether good or bad, it is governing the part of land they have to govern.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Boy chooses Fantastic new name

The Site
A 19 year old teenager from south west England changed his name from George Garatt to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And The Flash Combined.
Some RULES you need to know before you change your name.
1. If you're under 16, you need to get your parents' permission
2. When you're 17 you can call yourself whatever you want - you can just start using your new name.
3. If you want to get a passport, you may need proof you've changed your name.
4. One of the most common ways to do this is to get a solicitor to write an official statement - known as a deed poll - which you have to sign to say you've changed your name.

Barack Obama wins US election

Why is a BLACK president a big deal?
Barack Obama's made history as America's first black president, but why's it such a big deal he's got the top job? But until now, the top job has always gone to a white man, so it's a huge deal for America, and the rest of the world, that Barack Obama has become president.

modeling the five student outcomes

I think i modeled active learner, person of high character. I think i am an active learner because i learned a lot about Russia and Australia in the past two weeks, and i modeled person of high character by doing two current events every time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What science skills did you use during the SMASH Day activity? How do these science skills help us be better scientists?

We used the skills from Scientific Method.We predicted what will happen when we put the three rings on top of the tower we made from paper. Purpose is an important part of having a good experiment (If you have a good experiment with good Purpose, it means you are a good scientist!), it tells you what to think of, so Purpose is always the first step. Also, Prediction is an important part of experiment. Every kind of experiment needs a prediction, you may not know that you are thinking about Prediction, but you actually are. To be a good scientist, you would need a good Prediction and a good Purpose.

Monday, November 3, 2008

One day until US voting begins

There is only one day left before US voting for president begins. Barack Obama and John McCain are racing through the states trying to win more votes.

Boy killed in halloween shooting

The Site
A 12 year old boy was shot dead when he and his dad and one of his three brothers decided to trick or treat.
A 22 year old man was arrested and charged with murder.